In this beautiful sea green/light teal voxbox contained:
Rimmel London Scandaleyes - Retro Glam Mascara
KISS - Everlasting French nails
Softlips Cube - 5 in 1 lip care (Lip perfecting technology) - select influensters got this, I did
Nivea - Skin Firming Hydration Body Lotion
Playtex - Sport Fresh Balance
Peach Pie Car air freshener from the movie Labor Day

I personally love this voxbox, I always have problems finding a great lip care product, I am always looking for better hydrating firming lotion, I am not a fan of white french nails (I always do black) but my mother sure enjoyed the nails <3, & I love Rimmel London. Plus we got a box of Tampons (whose going to turn that down?) & to top it off who doesn't love that smell of freshly baked pie? *Raises both hands & shakes them* I sure as heck do! So let's get into the review, if you're still with me :)
Rimmel London Scandaleyes - Retro Glam Mascara -
First let me ask a question - are you always looking for the perfect mascara? Going to every drugstore looking for the latest mascara (because the commercial on TV made it look fabulous)? You think you found the perfect mascara but it's too heavy, clumpy & still missing that one thing you are looking for? Look no further, Rimmel Londons Scandaleyes Retro Glam Mascara - might be the one you've been looking for. Now I have always purchased my eyeliners and mascaras from Rimmel. There were hits and misses but I always continued to buy. I have faith in this company. I always said that someone is going to make the perfect mascara for my eyes! Thanks to @influenter & @RimmelLondonUS I now have that mascara. I am always looking for a mascara, that wasn't heavy on my lashes, that didn't pull them out when taking my makeup off at night or causing me to have an allergic reaction to the formula. I am not one to put on think coats of mascara in the first place (news flash ladies, that's why your lashes are falling out and look clumpy, STOP doing that) The brush is perfect, it grabs every lash and applies an even coat to each lash. Makes your lashes longer and fuller. A little goes a long way and if you are one that loves a simple liner and mascara look THIS IS YOUR GO TO! A++++++++++++
Info - #RetroGlam Twitter: @RimmelLondonUS Facebook: Facebook.com/RimmelLondonUS
Find at your local drugstores $5.99
Kiss Everlasting French Nails:
If you are getting ready for a night out with the girls, going on a romantic date, concert..etc You got your hair done, found the perfect outfit and shoes to match, makeup is flawless but you forgot to do your nails!!! No worries Kiss has it covered. Kiss Everlasting French Nails are perfect for that emergency, you run into any local drugstore, head over to beauty and there they are. You have so many choices to chose from, but French is always the easiest and goes with any outfit. I for one don't do white french, I have a colorful personality, punk rock and edgy, I always do black french. My mother had the above emergency and had no time to get her nails professionally done. I remembered that Influenster & Kiss sent the everlasting French set to me in my voxbox, sized her nails to a perfect fit, glue (which is provided) and applied. She was ready in just a few minutes. The great thing about the nails is that they have Flex-Fit Technology to ensure comfort and a perfect fit. These nails looked professionally done. My mom went out and had a great night, the next morning her nails were all still intact. They didn't move! Throughout the rest of the day, they glue started to wear thin and they popped off but that's okay get a better and stronger glue and reapply!
Info - #everlastingfrench Twitter: @KissProducts Facebook: Facebook.com/kisslashes
Available @ Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Kmart, Rite-Aid, & Target $6.49
Peach Pie Car Freshner from the Labor Day Movie - SPOILER ALERT - SKIP THIS REVIEW IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE!
Kate Winslet (Divergent & Titanic) & Josh Brolin (The Goonies, W, Gangster Squad, Grindhouse) star in Labor Day: Depressed single mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded & fearsome man a ride (Frank). As the police are searching town for Frank who is an escaped convict, Adele & Henry gradually learn his true story. This is no panic room movie or a lifetime crazed man take hostage of two people, No this movie is completely different. Adele & Henry get to know Frank, they find the family they've been longing for. It really is a beautiful story, it takes it's time with the characters, pulling you in and falling in love with their story. Now the reason behind the Peach Pie, Adele always has a bowl of peaches in the kitchen, Frank takes a bite of one and says how good & ripe. & that they'll never get through all of them. Adele says "It's a shame, we always have to throw them out before they rot." Frank had a better idea, he, Adele and Henry start cutting the peaches, making a crust from scratch, and are making a homemade peach pie. Henry seems a little uneasy when Henry steps behind Adele to help her with the dough of the crusts, but relaxes as he watches them. When it comes to placing the top crust of the pie, Adele's hands start to shake, Henry has a flash back of all the times her hands started to shake and she no longer had control. The one line I loved in this whole scene was when Frank noticed her hands shaking, in her ear he told her, "Help me put a roof on this house" Adele calms down and quickly and forcefully puts the top on the pie.
Info #LaborDayMovie Twitter: @ParamountMovies Facebook: Facebook.com/LaborDayMovie
Labor Day is available now on Blu-Ray, Dvd & Digital HD for $19.99 (average retail value: $39.99)
Playtex Sport Fresh Balance
I am a sports girl. I played soccer & softball. I even get out and play football. One thing I don't do is play when I am on my cycle. The tampons I used before just didn't feel right when playing. I loved these tampons, I attended a friends beach party and the guys were throwing the football around, I decided to get out there and throw a few passes and catch a few as well. I honestly did not feel any discomfort, honestly felt like nothing was there! I was able to move, jump, kick and have fun and not worry about leaks and odors.
Info: #PlayOn Twitter: @Playtex_sport Facebook: Facebook.com/PlaytexSportandGentleGlide
Available at drugstores $3.99-$4.99
Nivea Skin Firming Hydration Lotion:
Get your skin ready for warm weather with NIVEA Skin Firming Hydration Lotion, in as little as 2 weeks, you'll see firme, more toned skin. So I have trouble with dry patches on my face, nothing seems to work! Either I am allergic to it, it's burning my face, Irritates my heat pumps, ugh nothing seems to work! This however seems to be doing the trick. It's light weight, not greasy, absorbs into the skin quickly and has a lovely light scent. I have super sensitive skin and this is very easy on it.
Info: #NIVEASkinFirming Twitter: @NIVEAUSA Facebook: Facebook.com/NIVEAusa
$2.49 for 2.5oz / $10.99 for 13.5oz.
Softlips Cube
I love lipbalms, you ask any girl what's in their purse, 9 times out of 10 every one of them has lipbalm. I am a lipbalm hoarder. You will see a ton in my vanity, purse (I just looked I have 6 - 3 of which are Softlips) car, in my gym bag, evening bag, my nephews diaper bag. It's everywhere! I have a problem with dry lips. I live in Florida & with the heat we're always using SPF based lipbalms. I hate it because they leave a weird chemical taste. Softlips to the rescue, with a new advanced formula in their new innovative cube shaped packaging. Small and perfect for your purse or pockets! Lips will look radiant, feel softer, smoother and more hydrated. I don't have to reapply this balm, It feels so nice and lightweight. I love doing a bold, red lip the problem is that it's super drying, I take a lip brush, take the softlips cube and apply over the red lip and it blends perfectly. My red lips look shiny, soft & smooth.
Info: #SoftlipsCube Instagram: @softlipslipbalm Facebook: Facebook.com/Softlips
Available in three delightful new flavors: Softlips Pomegranate Blueberry, Softlips Fresh Mint & Softlips Vanilla Bean. I loved mine so much, I bought doubles of all three!
All in all I give this voxbox 10 out of 10. I loved everything! I have made repurchases of the products I could find in my area and have spread the word!
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*I want to disclose that I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster*
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