Okay so yesterday I was watching Whoners show on Blogtv.com/people/Whoners. Well that is beside the point but I have been thinking a lot lately why I am single and why is it that people feel the need to be judgemental. I just dont get it. I am not judgmental in anyway, shape, or form and I accept people for who they are and what they look like. But in society today and in the minds of so many people that we the typical "pretty girl" in high school they strive to keep a relationship they thought was real, to continue going. Yes that does work for some people but sorry to say once college hits guys start looking for better. I for one thought I was going to stay with Randy forever and I didnt. We were together for 6 years on again off again and he just kept looking for better. I moved on to Keoni and that went down hill becasue the military life isnt for me. Its not the rules or the distance. Its to the fact that moving around place to place and never having the chance to be settle in one place and to the fact that he didnt want to get married is that kills me.
I am so sick of opening a magazine and flipping through the pages and seeing Stick figures. To me that is what every guy wants. A freaking stick and it just kills me because I want to ask them all the time. You looking for your typical "Pretty Girl" what is it about her that drives you to her? Her looks? How skinny she is? What? I mean honestly ask yourself what do looks get me in a relationship? Oh a couple of glances and a piece of arm candy. Can I see myself with this person for the rest of my life? Have a last relationship for a while with this person? NO you cant why because someone hotter will come along and there that relationship goes. Out the freaking window. I am not ranting or bitching because I wish I was stick skinny. No not at all. I lost weight and I am happy with where I am right now. I honestly accept me for me and no im not FAT! I am average. I am just as pretty as the next stick out there. I mean I have a personality and a head on my shoulders. Intelligance and personality is all you need. But America striving to find their soulmate to be a stick figure. Why because they are embarrassed to move on to someone that they connect with on so many levels but afraid of the looks and stares to see them with someone who is a little different. I dont look down on people for any reasons what so ever. If we connect and we have chemistry then we have it and we will see where it goes from there. I mean I have dated some of the most wonderful guys out there but I mean there is no spark, no ambition. They say they have dreams but then they take it back by saying something stupid and leave you with that to think about. I am just waiting. I guess. For something real.
Hello Loves, welcome to my blog! On this vlog I review all products that were sent to me via Influenster! I love reviewing for them and share my honest opinion on every product. Please feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel youtube.com/wickedxwednesday Twitter: WickeeReviews and Instagram Wickeexwednesday :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
So I finally posted my first tutorial on www.Youtube.com/wickedxwednesday yeah I try. But anyway I am also starting my own show again on Blogtv.com just type in www.blogtv.com/people/wickedxwednesday To be honest that website is a lot of fun and you do meet really chill people in there. My grandma was taken off all of her tubes and seems to be doing better. She is still in critical care and cant talk just yet but she will be the end of this week. I hope so. My package comes today from Gone to Not Forgotten! Im super excited! YAY!!!!!!!!! I am going shopping on Friday. Oh and if you are going to see Fast and Furious. Ehhh I would say wait till it comes out on DVD. The movie could have been better. It was alright but Fast and Furious 2 has that movie beat!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Haul Video posted once my package gets here.
I am going to record a new video in a couple of days with my new haul. It's a collective haul but I have a order coming in from Gone but not Forgotten. I needed two new trios and another beauty powder then I am going shoppping next friday for a couple more things. I think I will post another blog about the haul items I am going to buy. I got 3 things from the Heatherette line. Trio #1 and Trio # 2. I also got the beauty powder in Alpha girl. I dont know but I have a few non makeup items as well that I bought and a couple of exciting things to show. I am also going to Lush and Sephora. Maybe a trip to the CCO since its 25 mins away. I need to see what they have pulled for me.
I also got Lollipop loving but its not in the heatherette tube just the simple black mac casing since it was repromoted with the sugarsweet collection. I dont really like the collection. The only things that I am thinking about buying are:

Red Velvet, cakeshop, penny shadestick.....
Aquavert, Club (refill) Stars n Rockets (refill) and dear cupcake eyeshadow......
and one skinfinish. I dont know everyone is telling me to get both but I love Perfect topping. I will post another blog and show you the items I am buying! =)
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